Did you know that mosquitos, ticks, and termites pose the most significant threat to people in the United States? All pests can be annoying, but some can cause health issues as they carry diseases. If you have failed to get your pest problem under control, you need to consider some helpful methods.

Read on to learn about the top ten ways of handling annoying pests.

1. Seal Up Any Openings

One of the first things you can do to avoid pests getting into your home is sealing up any openings, especially cracks. You may be unaware of cracks in your home, so check out your windows, screens, and doors.

Any cracks or holes should be caulked up or repaired. Weatherproofing your door is a pest control tip to get rid of annoying pests and keep out drafts. Even the smallest of openings should be taken care of as this is a portal for insects to get in. Some information about pest control chicago.

2. Clean the Kitchen

If you have a pest problem, it could be due to a dirty kitchen. If you often splurge with a late-night snack, chances are, bugs are doing the same.

Pests enjoy many types of food like dried pasta, flour, cereal, baking mixes, nuts, dried fruit, and spices. Specific pests like ants will go for the sweeter things.

Because bugs can get into things that are not stored well, you need to patch up openings as you did with your doors and windows. Tightly sealed containers are the way to go when it comes to food storage.

Rodents and cockroaches, among other insects, enjoy a dirty floor and counter because they often have food crumbs. If you store your pet’s food in the kitchen, be sure to wrap that up too.

If you find yourself still having issues in the kitchen after a good cleanup, you can hire a pest control service who has more wisdom to provide at this link https://affinitypestcontrol.com/2020/04/10/the-ultimate-guide-to-eagle-pest-control/.

3. Dry Wet Areas

Before looking up “pest control near me”, try drying out damp areas in your home. Pests seek water as they seek food. In fact, some pests prefer living in damp areas.

To ensure wet areas are not an issue for you, fix any leaks you may have from pipes, faucets, or drains. You should also make sure machines like the washer and air conditioner are working correctly.

If you have an attic, check to make sure it is dry. If you own a basement, these areas are normally damp so you should run a dehumidifier in it.

4. Clean Regularly

If you are not already cleaning enough, it could result in a pest problem. Always ensuring you are sweeping in places where crumbs can accumulate.

Your cleaning routine should also include emptying the trash, vacuuming weekly, and cleaning out the drains. You should also avoid having stacks of boxes, newspapers, and magazines that cockroaches enjoy hanging out in.

5. Keep the Outside Clean

The inside is just as important as the outside when you are worried about rodents, cockroaches, or other pests. Bugs can hide in firewood or compost bins that may get taken inside. If you bring these items into your home, check them for bugs first.

6. Kill Bugs You Find

Killing bugs may not be in your wheelhouse, but this is an important step if you don’t want to have a huge pest problem. Some products can help you with this including baits and aerosols. Some products have become safer for kids and pets by using essential oils in their products.

7. Wash Your Covers

Dust mites can cause a pest problem without you knowing it. Because they are too small to be seen with the naked eye, no one sees them around.

These pests love skin flakes and warm places so your bed is where they prefer to be. This is why washing your covers often is essential. Although they don’t bite, they can cause allergies, and no one wants to sleep with bugs.

Adding a few teaspoons of eucalyptus oil with your laundry detergent will clean those dust mites right off. You can also substitute this oil for tea tree oil if you dislike the smell.

8. Cover the Corners

There are home remedies you can try if you prefer not to use store-bought products. Cockroaches especially can be eliminated with easy home remedies.

Chopping one onion and adding it to a teaspoon of baking soda can eliminate these annoying pests. Use this mixture to cover the corners of your home. You can use this mixture every day.

9. Create a Fly Trap

If flies are one of those pests you can’t seem to get rid of even with all of the cleanings in the world, you can resort to creating a fly trap. This simple method involves filling a jar with an inch of apple cider vinegar and drops of dish soap.

Cover the jar with plastic and tape it shut. Then, poke holes in the top of the plastic wrap. The jar should be placed in the problem area where it can attract the flies and trap them.

10. Use Your Hairdryer

This one may sound a little odd, but using your hairdryer when you are having bed bug issues actually works. Bed bugs can be one of the more difficult pests to get rid of. Most people resort to throwing out their furniture.

However, bedbugs and the eggs they make die off when exposed to high temperatures. Your hairdryer can be a useful tool or you can opt for steam clean.

Get Rid of Unwanted Pests

It’s time to get rid of those unwanted pests that roam your home. These methods of handling a pest problem should be implemented at the first sign of an issue. If your problem is too major, you need to consider hiring pest control services.

Keep coming back for more articles that can help you with your home issues.

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