Led grow lights have recently gained popularity over the traditional modes of producing artificial light for growth and are therefore in great demand.

However, there are many who are not quite aware of the salient features of the LED grow lights. It is important to know about the best LED grow lights that are prevalent in the market.

Therefore, in order to find out more about the features of these lights one must read through LED grow light reviews. Growing plants indoors requires a lot of care and favorable conditions for sustaining life.

If you have your own indoor grow area and are planning to invest in LED grow lights, you should consider several factors such as the size of your grow area, the type of plants you are growing, and more. Other than that, you should know that LED grow lights are available in a wide variety of types, shapes, sizes and pricing.

For those who are planning to purchase a LED grow light as soon as possible, you can always refer to the first part which covers the top 11 LED grow light products at Amazon. You can easily assess each of their own differences and pick the right LED according to your own needs, budget and preferences.

If you want to know more information about LED grow lights, you can read bellow:

#Why Opt for the Best LED Grow Lights?

Insufficient natural light

These grow lights are not only used in places where the availability of natural rays of light is scanty but they are also used when certain plants are grown indoors artificially due to unavailability of natural conditions like ideal soil, especially for off season growths.

Off-season plant growth

For example, when the span of day is less during a particular season, plants may not get the proper amount of light.

Evidently, deficiency in sunlight will lead to stunted growth of the plants. These panels provide the plant with a stimulus by exuding an electromagnetic spectrum to help them with the process of photosynthesis.

However, it is important to regulate the correct amount of sunlight and for that very reason it is important to opt for the very best variety.

Moreover, depending on the process through which the plants are cultivated, different variations of the panels are used.

The cultivation process might include soil or hydroponics as well and therefore the light intensity and spectrum may vary as well depending upon such conditions.

Thus, going through LED Grow lights reviews can turn out to be extremely helpful in deciding on the type of grow light to be used for the cultivation method.

 An ideal substitute for Sunlight

The LED lights create an array of chromatic spectrum that is complementary to the rays of the sun from which the plants get the source of energy for creating their food.

Different levels of luminosity and temperature conditions are favorable for different levels of generation of food for the plants.

The spectrum, illuminating efficiency, color and temperature are catered according to the parameters of the type of plant being produced, the phase of cultivation and the plants photoperiod.

LED grow lamps are long perennial and produce light that are cognate to the temperature wanted by the plants for their food manufacturing processes.

LED lights are a better option for growing plants indoor as they are not cumbersome and the production of heat is less than glowing lights. As mentioned, temperature is also one of the key features for growing plant indoors.

Therefore, if the lamps used as an external light source create additional heat, then it might turn out to be unfavorable for the growth.

Since the LED lights do not produce any additional external heat, they are highly favorable for growing plants in a temperature controlled environment.

Various mechanisms are controlled in a shipshape way under LED lights. The transpiration in plants is less under these panels. This also means that energy spent on maintaining water levels or the frequency of watering the plants is also reduced.

#Grow Lights: How they Work?

Different wavelengths of light simulate different pigments of a plant and that too differs from the type of plant that is being cultivated.

The lights react in various ways to the chlorophyll and carotenoids of the plant and overlapping the multifarious absorption peaks of the plants. Modern development in the making of LED lights sets the blue and red power in frequency that is similar to the plants craved wavelengths favorable for their growth.

The wavelengths of the red and blue LEDs are different. The blue LEDs are proper for vegetative and structural escalation while the red LEDs for producing fruits or flowers.


Information about BESTVA BAT W600 Dimmable LED Grow Light for Your Indoor

The Preliminary stage of LED panels

In the preliminary stages of its growth LED lights were put into panels.  By setting up many LEDS in panel form it becomes easier to simulate the intensity of the HPS lights thus ensuring proper growth for the plants without any kind of compromise. Up to-to-the-minute developments of panels use dazzling and compound watt LEDs that overpower the HPSs in vividness and production.

In comparison to other forms of intense light sources, the lights function in an enhanced process to give the tangible light energy that the plants cherish.

Taking the PAR VALUE or the lumen yield of plants is appropriate as these panels can flaunt of competence. However, it is always better to go through user reviews to find the appropriate LED light source for a particular plant and the environment that is created for its growth.

#Advantages of Using LED Grow Lights

There are numerous benefits of opting for the best LED grow lights for indoor plant cultivation and some of them are as follows

  • They consume less energy in comparison to other conventional modes of artificial light sources
  • They do not produce any kind of substantial external heat which means that they are ideal for growing plants which are cultivated in temperature sensitive environment
  • LED lights do not include any obnoxious solids, liquids or gases that are dangerous to the environment.
  • LED lights do not take up a lot of space for setup which makes them ideal for places where there is a space constraint
  • Easy to install and easier to maintain

 #Grow Lights and the Flexibility

The Red and Blue lighting colors which are ideal for photosynthesis falls under the 400 to 500 nanometers and 600 to 700 nanometers of wavelength of light.

Within these wavelengths, the chlorophyll absorption reaches its maximum potential in plants. Regulating this light frequency wavelength is possible in LED’s since as the same suggests, the light is generated with the help of diodes, where electric current is passed through a semiconductor to achieve the goal.

Thus regulating the wavelength by variations of current and the configuration of the diode it becomes simpler to achieve a certain wavelength of light.

This ability to produce different wavelengths of light helps a lot during different phases of growth of a plant and turn out to be much more favorable in comparison to HPS lamps. In addition, it is easier to achieve different types of shape, square, round, oval, etc. for LED lights.

Therefore, depending on the space requirements, environment and lighting needs it becomes easier to choose a particular shape of LED light for growth of the plants.

#Full Spectrum LED Lights

Indoor plants do not get the all the benefits that outdoor plants usually receive naturally. They absorb the light of the sun which offers the entire spectrum of visible light. Plants need to be provided with best LED lights so that they get ample light in vegetative and flowering phases. Earlier fluorescent lamps and HPS were employed in indoor growing. They produce light which includes the visual spectrum. However, they prove to be expensive. The mistake of using only one kind of LED deprives the plants of what they should get for favorable growth. The full spectrum LED light which can be split into blue red white and ultraviolet chromatic lumens is necessary for the plants to grow.

Apart from these constituents of the spectrum of light, the proportions of the various chromas should be in sequence so that the output of the artificial light meets the plants requirements. The sunlight that we get can be divided into various colors that constitute the full spectrum. Various colors are needed for the plants. While constituting the LED panels the manufacturers must keep in mind what colors are applied for the appetite of the plants. The four kinds of color that can be discerned in the full spectrum are blue, red, white and ultraviolet lights.

  •  Blue lights: LED lights that are blue in color contribute to growth in vegetation like shoots, leaves. However, it has to be toned otherwise it does not prove to be very helpful.
  • Red lights: Red LED lights help in flowering. They also add to the growth of the fruits in a plant. Uncontrolled red lights produce stunted plants and may affect the growth of the fruits.
  • White lights: White LED lights enhance the visibility. They help in visualization of the inside of the grow room. It is important to monitor the growth of the plants and it is only possible under the white light. Other colors might make it difficult to monitor the room. In such cases it might become difficult to identify any issues with the environment as well as he plants. With the help of the White light it becomes easier to observe even the minute troubles with the plants.
  • Ultraviolet light: Ultraviolet light is not very common but it can be an option for experimentation. It is important to mimic the outdoor conditions and create artificial conditions so that plants get the right mixture and wavelengths of light

# Choosing the best LED Grow Light: The Perfect Recipe

It is essential to identify the perfect ratio which the plants require for their ideal growth pattern. Following is the perfect combination which is necessary for such conditions:

  •  55 % of red LEDs pitched at 640-660 nm,
  • 20 % of red LEDs pitched at 620-630 nm
  • 15 % of blue led at 460-480 nm
  • 10 % off blue led reached at 415-425 nm

Phototropism is an important aspect that inspires plants to grow tall and slender or wide and short. The mixing of led should be done wisely taking information from spectrum curves.

Why the red led should outnumber blue LEDs is a question that may arise in the user’s mind. The wavelength of the red LED being not that wide there should be more of red LEDs than blue LED. The intensity of the lights has to be controlled for the plants to absorb the light.

Many growers tend to make use of only one kind of LEDs. However, only one kind LED may not be able to give the plants the full range of light spectrum that sunlight provides. To have a successful growth, it is important to create conditions which incorporates all the wavelengths of light.

Increased Lifespan, More Savings

LED Grow lights are not only economical in comparison to other forms of artificial light sources due to their low energy consumption but also due to their longer lifespan.

It is see that LED lights consume 75% less energy than their counterparts and lasts more than 10 times as well. The longevity of LED lights makes them ideal for indoor plant growth since frequent lamp changes are not necessary and maintenance costs are thus much lower.

#Different Methods of Indoor Growing and LED Growth Lamps

We can divide the indoor growth process of plants in two different processes and they are mainly soil based growth and hydroponics. In hydroponics, the plants are suspended in nutrient rich water tubs instead of soil. The easiest way to judge is to go through some LED grow lights reviews.

It is quite easy to understand that the method of hydroponics allows the plants to absorb nutrients much faster than the conventional method of growing plants in soil.

This also means that the necessity for alternate and better artificial lighting is necessary for growing plants in this suspended state of growing. Even the best grow lights need to be adjusted properly so that the plants are able to utilize the nutrients which are absorbed. Adjustment of the frequency of the lights should be monitored minutely so that the growth of the plants is not shunted.

The same applies for soil based growth pattern since although the plants absorb the nutrients from the soil in conventional manner they still require proper lighting conditions to utilize these nutrients for the process of photosynthesis. Opting for the right LED lights reviews helps in understanding these requirements.

Apart from using the correct LED lighting for proper growth, there are some additional equipments and tips are required for proper growth and they are as follows:

Use of Reflectors: Reflectors should be used to maximize the absorption of light by the plants. The Reflectors direct the light to every nook and corner of the growth room permitting the plants to get the wavelength they require.

Addition of Panels at correct angles: Opting for additional panels in the right direction in the room is also essential. If the panels of LED lights are fitted in the correct angle then they maximize the utilization of the grow lights increasing efficiency.

Care for the LED Lights: Although LED lights require very little maintenance, it is essential to check them periodically to ensure that they are performing to their optimal capacity. One important aspect related to maintenance of these lights is to ensure that their heat sinks are working properly.

The chips present in these lights which control the functionality of the LEDs are semiconductor devices which require to be kept at a certain temperature. It is important to ensure that the cooling features, like he fan, is functioning properly.

#Light Cycle and LED Grow Lights

The Light Cycle is one of the most important concepts when it comes to growing plants with the help of artificial light sources. Light Cycle in growth of plants is dependent heavily on the right amount of daily light and darkness that is necessary during different phases of growth. During the vegetative state the plants require maximum light time in comparison to the daily dark period. Around 16 to 18 hours of light is necessary during the vegetative state and 6 to 8 hours of daily darkness. During the flowering cycle this timeframe changes to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness daily.

The Light cycle is not only related to the number of hours a plant should receive light and darkness but it is also about the intensity of light as well. During the vegetative or growth phase it is essential to ensure that the light intensity is not too high at all. A very high intensity light during this phase may actually stunt the growth of the plants and can even kill them. Therefore, when buying growth lights it is important to check out the intensity of the LED which is being used in these growth lights.

Another important aspect when it comes to light cycles is the seasonal changes. As we all know, during some seasons the days are shorter than other seasons and therefore, it becomes important to provide artificial light source for the plants in order to maintain their growth rate. Therefore, the artificial growth lights are not only important for indoor cultivation but it is also important for cultivation done in other growth areas like greenhouses as well. Even if the grow room is receiving natural light, it is essential to opt for LED lights in order to keep the grow room sufficiently lit during the seasons where daylight is scarce.

In addition, different types of wavelength are necessary for different growth phases of the plant and it is essential to provide these different wavelengths of light as part of a successful life cycle.

#Installation of LED Lights

Once the best LED lights for the cultivation is chosen it now becomes important to install them properly in the grow room. There are certain important points which must be considered for the installation process of the LED lights.

Choice of Grow Room: The choice of the grow room is one of the most important steps in the installation of the LED lights for cultivation. Usually, for individual growers, the grow room is usually the basement or the attic of the house. The Urban organic indoor grower usually faces a constraint in terms of space requirements. Moreover, the basement might require more lighting requirements than the attic since the attic might have a little access to natural light whereas the basement is completely devoid of it. Many urban growers convert such spaces in their home permanently to grow rooms and therefore it becomes necessary to compute space requirements for proper installation of the LED lights.

Temperature: Extreme changes in temperature, too hot or too cold, can have adverse effects on the growth of the plants and can even kill them. Although plants are capable of handling a wide range of temperature it is still important to regulate the temperature in the grow room. LED lights emit very less heat but the chips that control the functioning of the light require a proper heat sink in order to function properly. Confined spaces like attics or basements can quickly become warm. Therefore, monitoring the temperature of grow room becomes essential for the urban grower in order to achieve a perfect cultivation.

Humidity: Along with temperature, another important aspect of the grow room which requires strict monitoring is the humidity. Plants do require a certain level of humidity so that they are able to utilize the nutrients at a steady pace for their growth. However, an increase in the humidity of the grow room beyond the permissible limit can actually harm the cultivation. High humidity allows unwanted mold and fungi to grow which are parasitic organisms. These organisms are capable of utilizing the nutrients and the growth light for their own growth thus depriving the plants of both the resources required for their proper growth.

Electrical Setup: While installing the LED lights for the cultivation in the grow room, it is essential to set up the correct electrical connectivity in the room. LED lights have heat sinks and therefore it is important to keep in mind the additional power which these heat sinks will utilize. It is important to ensure that the electrical load is balanced properly in the establishment in order for the LED lights in the grow room to function properly. Since these lights need to function at a certain wavelength and intensity, low voltage can lead to low intensity which eventually has adverse effects on the growth of the plants.

Placement and Setup: Placing the growth lights in the correct angle is not enough. It is also essential to find the correct placement area in the room to cover maximum surface area. Improper placement or mistake in understanding the layout of the grow room can lead to poor growth of the plants. In order to place the LED lights in an efficient manner the first important step is to find out the actual layout of the grow room and eventually setting up the lights so that all the plants receive equal intensity from the LED lights. This will help in an equivalent growth of the plants and proper cultivation.

Final Inspection: Once all the other points are taken into consideration and the number of LED lights required for the room is finalized it is now time for some final inspection before the installation of the LED lights. The light panels need to be in perfect array and there should not be any loose wires or any other connectivity issues. Also, once the lights are installed in the panels and it must be ensured that human movement inside the grow room is not restricted. The wiring for the LED lights should not have any issues with the insulation of the grow room as well.

#Things to Remember before buying the best LED Grow Lights

While most of us would read through LED grow lights reviews, nevertheless before buying LED growth lights it is important to check out certain essential points about the features and characteristics of particular LED lights. Some of these points are as follows:

Actual Wattage Consumption:

Due to certain complex calculations and advanced circuitry methods, the actual wattage consumption of diodes may differ from their actual wattage grading. 

An LED which might be marked as 1 watt, meaning that in theory it will consume 1 watt of power, might eventually end up consuming less. Therefore, it is always important to check out the actual wattage consumption of an LED growth light before opting for one.

The reason behind this is that if the actual wattage consumption is much less than the marked wattage for the LED then it will not provide the correct amount of power which you are looking to utilize in your growth room.

Heat Sink:

Although the LED lights themselves do not heat up that much, the chips that regulate the circuitry and the processing of these lights can heat up since they are made of semiconductors. Therefore, it is important to opt for LED light which has proper heat sinks for their chips and one or more fans to regulate the heat from these chips.

Trial Period Offer:

Opting for LED growth lights with trial period offers is the smart way to go. Usually it is better to opt for lights which come with a 30 day trial period offer. In this way, you will be able to use the light and find out if it is going to work for you and if not, then you will be able to return the same.

Beam Angle:

For LED Grow Lights, there are three standard angles available. Try to find out the beam angle of the lights because each angle is favorable for a particular type of growth. For example, the sixty degree beam angle helps in the growth of the plants which are tall and for the growth of wide plants it is essential to opt for the LED Growth lights with a one hundred and twenty degree beam angle.

Correct Dimension:

Different types of LED lights have different dimension. Based on your space constraints and your lighting requirements, you need to buy your LED lights for your indoor cultivation.

Opting for the correct dimension which is ideal for the grow room can eventually help in saving money for the initial setup. Although every grow light officially covers a certain square footage of the room, with the help of reflectors, LED lights with the correct dimension will be able to cover a better surface area.


Your budget will also decide the type of LED Grow lights that you will be opting for your grow room. The initial cost of setting up a light panel is a bit higher in comparison to HPS lighting system and other conventional grow lights.

Although, in the long run, LED lights turn out to be more cost effective and efficient. However, the initial budget and requirements will help to find out which type of LED Grow lights is ideal for the grow room.


The environment plays a huge role in deciding the type of LED Grow lights which are required. Small grow rooms might not require multiple panels whereas environment like a greenhouse might require quite a few.

Greenhouses nowadays use LED Grow lights to ensure optimal use of techniques to improve and expedite the growth of plants. Thus, large panels or different types of grow lights might become necessary to meet the requirements for such a large area.

Type of Cultivation:

The type of plants which are being cultivated will also decide what type of LED light is being used for their growth. Some particular plants might require a certain band of wavelength of light for their ideal growth. Thus, finding out more on this will help in deciding on the type of light which needs to be purchased.


Adapting to proper light cycles is of great importance for successful plant growth. Your pattern of lighting should be such as it imitates natural lighting conditions available during each season of a plant growth.

For example, a plan tends to get sufficient light during the initial days of the growing season. With the advancement of seasons, the days tend to get shorter and nights usually get longer. So while growing the plants indoor, it is important to provide such facilitating setup.

Cannabis Light Cycle

The essential part of growing cannabis indoor is to balance the have the right amount of light and dark through each day in order to stimulate

#Some Common FAQ

  • Why use LED Lights instead of HPS Lights?

There are numerous benefits of using LED lights over HPS lights. One of the main benefits is the longevity of LED lights. In comparison LED lasts much longer than HPS lights.

Therefore, there is a cost saving benefit present of choosing LED over HPS. Moreover, it is difficult to maintain the light intensity of the HPS lights and they may turn out to be too bright for the plants and their growth. LED lights have different intensity and wavelength in comparison to HPS lights.

  • How far should the LED Light array be from the plants?

This is one of the most common questions asked by urban growers. The answer to this lies with the brand of the LED light bought for the growth. Also, additional features like the shape of the LED light array, the wattage of the lights used the beam angle and coverage area of the lights play an important role in deciding the distance of setting up the light array from the plants.

  • The prices of LED lights are more in comparison to other conventional lights then how is it being cost effective?

This is another question asked by many growers who are looking to switch from conventional lighting system to LED or are starting out as indoor growers.

The initial cost of LED lights may be more in comparison to traditional artificial grow light sources. However, overall, in terms of power consumption, longevity and reliability, LED lights out performs all other traditional forms of artificial light sources for cultivation.

  • Can we customize LED Lights?

The answer is yes. It is very easy to customize LED light arrays and therefore you can achieve any kind of shape which you may require for ideal growth of the plants.

  • For growing lush plants, what is the ideal spectrum of light?

The Blue spectrum or 440-460 nanometer range is ideal for growing plants in the vegetation state. However, the red spectrum can also be used during this phase in a moderate fashion.

In the flowering stage though, the red spectrum or 630 to 660 nanometer ranges is ideal for the growth of the plants. Other additional colors of light can be added for beer result as well.

  • How much and how often should the plants be watered?

When using LED lights for plant growth, one of the common mistakes done by growers is that they water the plants the same way when traditional light sources were used.

This is incorrect since LED lights emit less heat which means that the water evaporates at a lesser rate. Therefore, it is important to regulate the watering of the plants when using LED lamps for growing.

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