When spring arrives, we enjoy watching the snowmelt, the flowers bloom, and the temperature warms up. Unfortunately, it’s also the season for newborn animals like raccoons to appear. Raccoons, both adults and young, are adorable when they are in their natural habitat. Sadly, they’re not quite as nice when dealing with raccoon roof damage.

Because raccoons can quickly adapt to urban and suburban life, your house may serve as a temporary lair for them. D mother raccoon may safely conceal her offspring in your attic or wall cavities because they are out of sight and out of mind.

 During the spring, the adult female will be searching for a secure area to give birth and raise her offspring. Keep on reading for our full breakdown of how to protect your roof from raccoons, and prevent them from making it their home. 

Signs of Raccoons in Your Home

Squeaking sounds on your roof or in your attic or chimney are frequent signals that raccoons are on your property.

Having raccoons in your house is quite probable if you see their droppings, tracks, or indications of eating.

Signs of Raccoon Roof Damage

Raccoons regularly cause damage to roofs when looking for a location to build a nest. It is well-known that in order to gain entry into an attic, female raccoons rip off roof shingles and vents.

They may also take down insulation to create room for their nests within.

Preventative Measures Against Raccoon Infestations

Start by limiting access to any food or other sources of sustenance that raccoons might be attracted to. 

It’s not hard to see why raccoons are drawn to waste containers kept outdoors. Tightly secure garbage cans and compost bins to prevent them from falling over.

You may use repellants to keep the animals from nibbling through the tops of containers. Also, keep an eye out for your garden beds, trees, pet food and bird feeders for other sources of sustenance.

Use Motion-Activated Lights and Sprinklers

Set up motion-activated floodlights around garden beds or fruit trees that are difficult to keep out of the way. In most cases, these lights are effective enough to deter unwanted visitors.

Also, rYou may deter raccoon intrudersfrom entering the yard by using sprinklers actuated by motion. Raccoons are less likely to return if they are scared off by these traps, which do no damage.

Repair Any Damage to Your Roof or Home Exterior

Raccoons are drawn to simple and conspicuous access locations. Find any obvious flaws or crevices that they might tear through and seal up. Consider installing steel caps on chimneys and wire mesh screens on vents to prevent fires from escaping.

If a racoon has built a den in your house, or if a racoon is wounded or trapped, you should use a professional wildlife removal service. They may be safely removed by a professional, who will do no damage to the animals or the house in the process.

And, if you’re thinking about replacing your roof, you should check out this host of new roof questions before calling your contractor.

Raccoons Destroying Your Roof: The Prevention Methods

Getting rid of wildlife may be a difficult task. As a result, it’s essential to take precautions to prevent raccoon roof damage as well as to keep animals away from your house.

We hope that you take the protective precautions outlined above to keep yourself and the animals safe. And, if you need more information on how to improve your home, you should head straight to our home improvement section for all of our additional tips and tricks.

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